Thursday, January 24, 2008

More Spanish Expressions

So I was reading my good friend Fran's blog, which you all should be doing too. She moved to Spain in November and is chronicling her life there, which I must say is quite interesting and entertaining (and I'm not just saying this because she gave me a shout out on her blog.) Anytime I go to use the internet I make it a point to read her blog.

So anyways, she has a post about her favorite expression in Spain, and while I posted my favorite Spanish word, I thought I would take this time to post some expressions which I believe have no basis as actual words in Spanish, but nonetheless are quite entertaining when I hear them.

Phrase number one, which I heard for the first time a while back, and which I mistook as not just an expression, but as something I thought someone was actually saying, and as a result I spent a few minutes actually perusing my dictionary trying to find out what it meant. This would be the equivalent of looking up something like "geez" in an English dictionary (Yes, I'm that oblivious.) So the expression is, "Ay, pipa!" This phrase is encountered most frequently whilst watching telenovelas with my Doña. For example, if something like this happened in the episode: "You mean to say that Maria is sleeping with Juana's ex-boyfriend even though she just had sex with the lifeguard at the pool, and just had a baby fathered by her boss...", my Doña's response would be, "AY, PIPA!" It always puts a smile on my face, and is probably the only way that I'm am able to live through watching these shows.

I have 3 more expressions that I can think of right now, and oh how I would love to share them all with you right now, but I believe I have already posted demasiado (too much) for one day, which should provide you with enough reading material until I get to post next time. It will hopefully also leave you waiting at the edge of your seat until the next time I post. (But in all reality it's getting late here and if I didn't go to bed right now I would probably not wake up in time in order to get to the internet to post this all for you guys.)

Something else to keep you at the edge of your seat...I'm going whale watching this weekend...stay tuned.

And finally, I'm not usually not one for all the celebrity gossip and what not, but for some reason since I've been in the DR I've actually enjoyed it, probably because it is something that reminds me of the US:

R.I.P Heath Ledger :(

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