Tuesday, January 15, 2008


No, unfortunately this post is not about my naked antics here in the DR, but rather another book review, that of Naked by David Sedaris.

I had always heard about David Sedaris as being a really hilarious writer, but had never gotten a chance to read any of his literature. I heard him several times on This American Life on National Public Radio, but beyond that I only knew that which my friends talked about.

I'm finally glad that I got a chance to read something by him, because he is hilarious. This book is basically a memoir/essays about interesting things that happened in his life. It's not really a story about his life, rather just little tidbits. The stories are hilarious, and I often literally found myself laughing out loud, and then trying to explain to my family in Spanish why I was laughing. They already probably think I'm weird enough, now add this to it and I'm sure they have their minds set.

Hopefully I can find more of his books in the Peace Corps office, otherwise some of you will be bringing them down here when you visit.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't they take place because of an unusual hot and extremely dry summer, tied in with lot of windy days? That's what the birds told me...

    Maybe if it wasn't audit time I'd have time to read. When I do I'll check it out.


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