Thursday, January 24, 2008

Two More Books

So I finished reading two more of David Sedaris's books, Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, and Me Talk Pretty One Day. I found both of them excellent, reading them each in about a day. I'm not going to do a full review because they're the same style and format as Naked.

I found these books at a hostel I stayed at in Santiago. They had just been recently donated so I really lucked out. Now hopefully next time I go to the Peace Corps Office I could find Barrel Fever and Holidays on Ice.

When I was in Santiago there was a Borders-like store, so I figured I would go and try and find a book that had originally been written in Spanish that looked readable at my level. I also wanted to find one that wasn't too expensive, as books here are pretty expensive for some reason. I found a book by the Chilean author Isabel Allende, of whom I've heard good things. The price tag said $520, but when it rang up as $420, or $13 US, which is pretty reasonable for a book here. The book I picked up is called El plan infinito (or The Infinite Plan). I almost picked up one of her books in English awhile back, but for some reason I didn't. I was successfully able to read the synopsis on the back of the book, so I figured I was good to go. I started reading the first couple pages, and it's not as easy as the back of the book, but I figured I'm going to trudge through it anyways. Hopefully it will build my vocabulary and overall help me with Spanish. Sure, this means that whenever I want to read this book that I'm going to have to lug around a dictionary with me also, but I'm sure it will be worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I totally missed this post an d I made a comment about Me Talk Pretty One Day. Please ignore that comment.


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